Musings & Ramblings

Because, fall.

It’s October.  5th.  Fucking October.  When did that thing old people used to say about time flying as you get older actually start happening?  I guess when I got to the age that I used to call people old. Karma’s a bitch.

Fall is by far my favorite season – mostly because it’s also decorative gourd season, motherfuckers. I mean, really. What would fall be without decorative gourds?  Especially in Southern California where this particular “fall” has been replaced with “summer on the surface of the sun”.  How else would I know I’m supposed to want to pick apples and consume pumpkin spiced everything if it wasn’t for decorative pumpkins trucked in from somewhere colder than here and Starbucks.

pumpkin spice everything

Flipping the month on my calendar just drove home how absurd my to-do lists are. On said list (which I re-write on a regular basis just to keep it pretty) has been some version of “write f/u birthday post and Labor day post” since, well, Labor Day. Evidently just because I write it down doesn’t mean the gremlins that dirty my dishes and disrespectfully toss clothes all over my bedroom are going to do it for me. Assholes. Global warming is probably their fault too.

Though many years removed from my last turn in academia, it seems my psyche will always be firmly rooted in the school calendar as opposed to the…um…calendar-calendar (that one that goes from New Years hangovers back to the celebration you swore you’d never revisit last year). Not sure why, but my urge to resolve, reinvent, and reinterpret has always appeared in fall rather than winter.  Somewhere around mid-August I thought about resolving to be more organized and realistic with my to-do lists and commit to writing more often. Unfortunately my brain is no more organized than my to-do list, so without Mother Nature stepping in to trigger that seasonal awakening, I’m mentally stuck in the lazy dog days of summer. I’m not even mentally organized enough to have a point to this post. Clearly I need a pumpkin spice latte. And an apple pie.  And to meet this guy.

this guy



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1 Comment

  • Reply skipping with scissors October 6, 2015 at 10:10 pm

    UPDATE: I realize it’s actually the 6th. I wrote this yesterday with the intention of posting it this morning and changing that first. Then work went all sideways and the next thing I knew I was in a middle seat on a 5 hour flight and wanted to get it posted but the stupid in flight wifi (which let’s be honest, is fucking amazing no matter how sucky it is) wouldn’t let me actually edit the page. But it would let me post it. So really, it just wants me to be wrong. Pretty much par for the course with me and technology.

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